Wizard Nebula

Image information:

Date: 07/23/2022
Equipment: Altair Hypercam 533C colour camera through APM/LZOS 105/650 APO telescope using Altair QuadBand OSC filter on Losmandy GM8 mount. The telescope was working at f6.2 with Astro-Tech 2" field flattener..
Image type: OSC
Exposure time: 110X3min, gain 250 (0.8e/ADU).

Object information:

Object designations:

NGC7380, Sh2-142, Wizard Nebula
Object type:
Diffuse emission nebula (Sh2-142) with open cluster (NGC7380)
Object size:
60' X 30'
Constellation: Cepheus
Wizard nebula is a typical star forming region. Open cluster NGC738 is embedded into it. Stars of that cluster were formed in the nebula some 5 million years ago. Interesting, ridged shape of the nebula resembles a wizard with a pointed hat. Stellar winds and radiation from young stars in the area are blowing the gas and dust in the nebula. Together with foreground dust clouds obscuring parts of the nebula they are responsible for its remarkable shape. Wizard nebula complex is 7000 ly distant and spans some 110 ly.

Related images:

List of related images:

Wizard Nebula, HaRGB, ST2000XM through WO ZS105ED telescope

