The Spider and the Fly

Image information:

Date: 12/21/2024
Equipment: Altair Hypercam 533C colour camera through APM/LZOS 105/650 APO telescope on Pegasus Astro NYX-101 mount. The telescope was working at f4.9 using TS 2" 0.79x corrector / reducer.
Image type: OSC
Exposure time: 80X3min, gain 250 (0.8e/ADU).

Object information:

Object designations:

  • The Spider , IC 417
  • The Fly, NGC 1931
Object type:
  • IC 417 diffuse emission nebula
  • NGC 1931 emission and reflection nebula
Object size:
  • IC 417 - 13' X 10'
  • NGC 1931 - 4' X 4'



Both IC 417 and NGC 1491 nebulae are harbouring young, open star clusters. Energetic blue stars of these clusters are making the gas in the nebulae glow. NGC 1491 has also an reflective component. In both nebulae there are regions of intense new star forming. The nebulae are some 7000 ly distant from us. They are located in the outer part of the Milky Way, almost exactly in the opposite direction from the galactic center compared to Earth. IC 417 has the diameter of about 30 ly and NGC 1931 of about 10 ly.

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