IC 342 The Hidden Galaxy

Image information:

Date: 09/07/2024
Equipment: Altair Hypercam 533C colour camera through APM/LZOS 105/650 APO telescope on Pegasus Astro NYX-101 mount. The telescope was working at f6.2 with Astro-Tech 2" field flattener.
Image type: OSC
Exposure time: 90X3min, gain 250 (0.8e/ADU).

Object information:

Object designations:

IC 342, Caldwell 5, the Hidden Galaxy
Object type:
Spiral galaxy
Object size:



IC 342 is a spiral galaxy located approximately 11 million ly from Earth. It has diameter of about 50 000 ly. The galaxy appears to us near the equator of the Milky Way's disk, which is crowded with thick cosmic gas, dark dust, and glowing stars that all obscure our view. It is one of the largest and closest galaxies to our Milky Way. If it was not so obscured, IC 342 would be one of the brightest galaxies in the sky. But since it is, it is quite difficult to observe and that's why it is sometimes called "the Hidden Galaxy".

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