Rosette Nebula

Image information:

Date: 03/16/2007
Equipment: SBIG ST2000XM with CFW8a and Astronomik type 2c LRGB filter set through LZOS Rubinar 4.5/300 Maksutov telephoto lens on Losmandy GM8 mount.
Image type: LRGB
Exposure time: 8X6min Luminance binned 1X1, RG&B 4X4min each binned 2X2.

Object information:

Object designations:

NGC2237-2239, NGC2246 nebula, NGC2246 open cluster, Rosette Nebula
Object type:
Diffuse emission nebula with open cluster
Object size:
80' X 60'
Constellation: Monoceros
Rosette nebula is a vast cloud of dust and gas in Monoceros surrounding a cluster of ~6 young, hot stars (NGC2246, Rosette cluster). Their radiation makes the nebula shine by exciting its atoms to emit light. Strong stellar winds from the cluster have created a hollow at the center of Rosette. Star formation is still in progress in this cloud of interstellar matter. The distance of the Rosette Nebula is some 5500 ly, and its diameter about 130 ly.

Related images:

List of related images:

Rosette Nebula , LRGB, QSI583 through AT65EDQ telescope

