Horsehead & Flame Nebulae

Image information:

Date: 09/24/2006
Equipment: SBIG ST2000XM with CFW8a and Astronomik type 2c LRGB filter set through WO ZS105ED telescope on Losmandy GM8 mount. WO ZS105ED working at f5.6 with WO 0.8X reducer/flattener.
Image type: LRGB
Exposure time: 8X4min Luminance binned 1X1, RG&B 5X3min each binned 2X2.

Object information:

Object designations:

  • NGC2024, Flame Nebula
  • Barnard 33 (B33), Horsehead Nebula
Object type:
  • NGC2024 diffuse emission nebula
  • B33 dark nebula
Object size:
  • 30' Flame Nebula
  • 6' X 4' Horsehead Nebula
Constellation: Orion

Flame Nebula (NGC2024) is an emission nebula in Orion whose atoms are ionized and caused to glow by source hidden from our sight by dark lane of absorbing interstellar dust. The Flame nebula also partially reflects the light of Alnitak (Zeta Orionis), eastern-most star in Orion's belt. Combination of emission and reflection causes the unusual nebula color. The distance to the Flame nebula is some 900 ly and its diameter is 30 ly.

Horsehead Nebula (B33) is an opaque dust cloud which lies in front of red emission nebula IC434. IC434 glows because of ionization caused by nearby star Sigma Orionis. Horsehead Nebula is prominent object on photographs, but very difficult to see visually. B33 and IC434 are part of larger Orion gas and dust cloud. The distance of B33 is 1500 ly and its diameter 3.5 ly.

Related images:

List of related images:

Horsehead & Flame Nebulae, OSC, Moravian C1+ 12000A through APM/LZOS 105/650 APO telescope

