Perseus Double Cluster

Image information:

Date: 08/17/2007
Equipment: SBIG ST2000XM with CFW8a and Astronomik type 2c LRGB filter set through WO ZS105ED telescope on Losmandy GM8 mount. WO ZS105ED working at f5.6 with WO 0.8X reducer/flattener.
Image type: LRGB
Exposure time: 13X3min Luminance binned 1X1, RG&B 6X2min each binned 2X2.

Object information:

Object designations:

NGC869 and NGC884, h and chi Persei, Perseus Double Cluster
Object type:
Pair of open clusters
Object size:
  • NGC869 30'
  • NGC884 30'
Constellation: Perseus
Perseus Double Cluster is a rare double cluster and is naked eye visible under good conditions. NGC869 and NGC884 are rather young clusters, NGC869 is 5.6 and NGC884 is 3.2 millions of years old. Clusters are some 7000 ly distant from us, but are only couple of hundreds light years apart.

Related images:

List of related images:

Double Cluster, RGB, QSI583 through APM107/700 APO telecsope

