Crescent Nebula

Image information:

Date: 08/14/2007
Equipment: SBIG ST2000XM with CFW8a, Astronomik type 2c LRGB filter set and Astronomik 13nm Ha filter through WO ZS105ED telescope on Losmandy GM8 mount. WO ZS105ED working at f7.
Image type: HaRGB
Exposure time: 16X6min Ha binned 1X1, RG&B 7X4min each binned 2X2.

Object information:

Object designations:

NGC6888, Crescent Nebula
Object type:
Emission nebula
Object size:
20' X 10'
Constellation: Cygnus
Crescent Nebula was created by the brightest star in its center. Some 250 000 years ago the massive central star had evolved to become a Wolf-Rayet star (WR136). The star is shedding its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind. This wind has been impacting surrounding interstellar gas, compacting it into a series of complex shells. Strong radiation from the star has been ionizing the gas and lighting it up. WR136 will probably explode as supernova within next million years. The distance to NGC6888 is 4700 ly.

Related images:

List of related images:

Crescent Nebula, OSC, Altair Hypercam 533C through APM/LZOS 105/650 APO telescope

